What impact is the Diamond Bridge having on the North East?
The Third Don Crossing – also known as the Diamond Bridge – opened to the public in June. Now, three months later, we take a look at what the opening of the bridge has meant for transport around the city.
Figures from the first month saw 240,772 vehicle journeys, 2,798 cycling trips and 4,272 pedestrians using the bridge – proof that the completion of the project, which was first considered in the 1970s, was an important move for the city.
For many, the opening of the Diamond Bridge meant a shorter commute to the north – while the council was keen to reduce traffic flows on the A947 and at the Bridge of Don on the A956.
This certainly does seem to have been the case for many commuters, with some even suggesting that their journey times have reduced to as little as 15 minutes.
The number of vehicles on the bridge is set to grow even further, with bus group First Aberdeen announcing that September marks the start of a bus link over the Diamond Bridge.
However, there have been some issues with speeding on the Diamond Bridge, as well as car crashes which have blocked access to the crossing.
But it is not just drivers that have been affected by such issues - Tillydrone Community Council has asked Aberdeen City Council to introduce additional safety measures in the area, including toucan crossings, in order to allow safe passage across Hayton Road.
There have also been suggestions that the speed limit on the bridge should be reduced, in order to reduce speeding, potential crashes and allow people to feel safer while crossing the road.
So, what impact has the bridge been having overall?
From a driver and commuter point of view, it seems to be positive, with shorter journey times.
While there are some issues, as you would expect with any new road, these seems to be fairly minor, and will potentially be fixed in the future.
As it stands, three months in, the effect is positive – we shall have to see if this continues.