Cycle racing in City Centre
ASPC extended an invitation to photographers across the region to take part in our 2023 photography competition by submitting captivating images showcasing the local area. After careful consideration, we’ve handpicked 12 exceptional winners who not only receive a modest gift but also gain recognition by featuring on our website home page.
This month’s enthralling photo was submitted by Brian Doyle. It is not something seen that often up here; top pro cyclists racing in the City Centre.
What drew us to this photograph was the intensity of the action, caught, vividly, and in stark reality, by Brian. We also liked the contrast between foreground and background. Cleverly, Brian has caught when the cyclists and spectators in the foreground are illuminated by the sun, through a gap in the buildings, but the remainder of the subject is in shade, highlighting the scene of the action.
Also grippingly realised, is the all - out effort from the lead out rider. Contrast that with the calculating coldness and positioning being shown by the riders behind, waiting for the right moment to explode in their effort to capture the prize.
This is just filled with excitement, for me. Still picture? There is more galvanised movement captured in this split-second frame, than many a dull movie.
If you’d like to delve deeper into the details of each image featured in our photography competition, then you can explore our incredible past submissions right here.